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Why add Direct Indexing to your practice

A true, transparent, Values-Aligned Direct Index Solution

Created in partnership with First Affirmative, featuring powerful technology and various custodians.

Offer personalization with ease

Identify a client’s 'Value Persona' using the Behavioral Values Questionnaire to make it easy to build personalized portfolios and optimize through the use of the YourStake platform.

Add tax alpha to client portfolios

Clients can capitalize on tax loss harvesting opportunities and defer capital gains to their investments at the lowest minimums in the industry, $25,000.

Portfolio optimization

First Affirmative uses portfolio construction, trading, and rebalancing tools, and Values Persona to create tax-managed portfolios, customized down to the individual equities to include or exclude.
Dashboard mockup
Introducing the Values-Aligned Direct Index Solution (VADIS)

In Latin 'VADIS' simply means
"where are you going"

VADIS makes it easy to generate progress towards your client's goals of investing in solutions that fit their values and financial goals with the greatest amount of transparency, customization, and ability to realize tax efficiencies.

Customize at no additional fee

Often, other providers add additional fees to deliver portfolio customization to their Index, VADIS does not.


Determine an appropriate and customized benchmark or risk profile for your clients' portfolio.

Lastest insights about Direct Indexing

Crafting Personalized Portfolios for Gen Y and Z through Direct Indexing
Practice Management

Crafting Personalized Portfolios for Gen Y and Z through Direct Indexing

Explore how financial advising is evolving with Direct Indexing to meet Gen Y and Z's need for personalized, impactful investment strategies.
How to power personalization through Values Aligned Direct Indexing
Practice Management

How to power personalization through Values Aligned Direct Indexing

Learn how YourStake and First Affirmative Financial Network are powering a new solution for Direct Indexing through VADIS.


Top questions we get when presenting the VADIS solution. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please reach out to our friendly team.
What's a typical minimum for Direct Indexing?
Other Direct Index Solutions often require a minimum of $250,000 — and often with only nominal personalization. We are excited to bring a better Values Aligned Direct Index Solution for everyone, with true, transparent, customized values alignment — down to the specific companies to include or exclude — for a larger universe of investors, from high net-worth individuals, investors, and advisors, to those just starting out.
Who are the custodians? 
This is a multi-custodian platform, with three well-known custodians and more coming. For details about First Affirmative, its processes, and other important information, review their ADV Disclosure Brochure available here.
Will the impact preferences list change?
Yes. We’ve expanded the list to include choices that will more fully reflect your or your client’s values and environmental, social, and ethical preferences. If a company is included on a specific list, it is "flagged." All companies with negative flags are removed from the Client-Specific Investment Universe.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo about VADIS and exactly how it will help you direct your clients wealth to the impact areas that matter most.

First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC. All rights reserved. Discretionary investment advisory and model management services are provided by First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC, a registered investment advisor (SEC# 801-56587) that specializes in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing.