
Unparalleled transparency and granularity to help you align portfolios with client values
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Transparent, Trustworthy Data for Personalized Investing

YourStake values-based data solutions provide unparalleled transparency and granularity to help you align portfolios with client values. Our NoScore approach presents clients with categorized data with detailed context, instead of opaque, one-size-fits-all scores.

Our team of data scientists utilizes artificial intelligence and human review to gather and analyze data from trusted public data sources with standardized and mandatory methodologies to ensure apples-to-apples comparisons between issuers.

Our data sources include government agencies (e.g. US Environmental Protection Agency), regulatory filings (e.g. SEC 10-k filings), vetted third-party academic and NGO sources (e.g. Duke Global Health Innovation Review, Rainforest Action Network), and, minimally, voluntary company reporting.

Our Data Offerings

Core Package


Raw data on company and fund exposures and performance on 150+ areas of values-based investing

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Metaphor Metrics

Metaphor Metrics

30+ metrics converting raw data into tangible impact equivalencies (e.g. toxic air pollution converted to the equivalent number of asthma attacks).

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Fund Strategy Metrics

Fund Strategy Metrics

Fund ESG mandate classifications and shareholder engagement metrics.

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Why YourStake?

We're rated the #1 rated ESG/SRI portfolio analysis tool for Financial Advisors. With over $2 Trillion of client AUM running through our tool, we're a trusted partner to deliver ESG data insights and analysis tools.

We are also compliance approved at many of the top Broker-Dealers and have extensive experience in supplying, cleaning, and analyzing multi-source ESG data for Asset Managers.

Collecting data from only trusted sources
We only collect data that meets our strict internal criteria. These data sources are hosted by government agencies, academic institutions, or trusted NGO sources.
Built and reviewed by humans, bolstered with AI
Our team of data scientists source, compile, and clean ESG data enhanced by the use of AI.
Click-through ability
Feel confident in knowing where each data point is captured and collected with our click-through ability to see each source and calculation.
Supplement existing ESG data
Supplement your research or existing data partnerships - we can deliver the level of transparency around companies, funds, and investment manager strategies.

Delivered to you the way you need it

What good is all the data in the world if you can't actually use it? We will deliver data through the method that works best for you be it API, datafeed, or structured data file.

Looking for something custom? Contact us!


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